22 Nov Fragrant Flashbacks & The Magic of Cinnamon
Close your eyes and breathe in. Now close your eyes again and think of the aroma that makes you smile, warms your heart and connects you to the past. Was it the smell of a bonfire, freshly cut grass, or the dewy aroma of a storm as it rolls in?
There are a few smells that carry me away.
Having spent my career in the wine and spirits industry and participated in countless distillery and winery tours, there is just nothing like walking into a rack house of aging bourbon or a wine cellar with Cabernet Sauvignon aging in giant oak casks. It is indescribable. There is a sweet and toasty aroma that invites those angels to take their share.
Yet, being just a few days from Thanksgiving, I am so grateful to be surrounded by the spicy fragrance of fall. All that cinnamon spice! The smell of cinnamon can quickly take me back to favorite moments and brighten my mood.
The other day, I opened a bottle of OLD SPICE at the local drug store to steal a smell. Turned out I bought that bottle. I dabbed it on the scarf I wore that day.
My late father wore OLD SPICE when I was a young girl and in a whiff I am dancing with him on his toes as he twirls me around the room.
I also must admit I am one of those who looks for the PSL announcement from Starbucks. If you know what PSL stands for then you will already know this year Pumpkin Spice Latte’s were officially available on September 6th. However, I found a store that made me one on the very first day of September. I drink them all the way through the holidays. Never mind those extra calories. PSL’s make me happy and warm on the inside.
I know we all think it is the pumpkin that we crave, but I argue it is the spice……the CINNAMON spice. Do we really want pumpkin bread and pumpkin pie or is it the magic of cinnamon that we crave and the feeling we have as we smell it baking?
So, I researched the power of cinnamon. Did you know it is an anti-inflammatory, can brighten your smile, fight infections, promote heart health, and result in fewer bug bites?
But, the most compelling research was found in the article on erotic scents to drive your partner crazy. That’s right. Cinnamon is at the top!
Starbucks, we have revealed your secret. No wonder we crave those PSL’s and the warm goodness of those gooey muffins.
I have found my new fragrance.
Go ahead, girlfriends! Let’s spice up our lives.
Happy Holidays.
Posted at 22:25h, 24 NovemberLove it- nothing like a wiff of a familiar scent to transport you to a fond memory.